Tamilboomi Weekly Tech Meet

Tamilboomi Weekly Tech Meet

We are conducting a Weekly Tech meeting on Sunday Evening at 7.30 PM IST every week.

You can join live in Google meet or listen to the recordings after that in our podcast.

Tamilboomi Weekly Meet
Join The Group to receive the Meeting link & Information


 Guest Talk

 Technology Discussion

 Q & A

You can join the below WhatsApp group to get the latest updates about the live class details and collaborate with others.

Note: We don't spam or send Good Morning messages in this group. Please Avoid spamming & Promotions. Use it to collaborate and meet other like-minded people and grow together.

You can ask questions and answer other questions.

Tamilboomi Weekly Meet

Happy Learning!

This week's Tech Meet Podcast :

Tamilboomi Technologies

Tamilboomi Technologies

Knowledge is a Weapon!