Tamilboomi Whatsapp Community Kickstart!
Hi Makkale,
I want to tell you a story about our community, (Flashback time 😊)
Tamilboomi Started with the WhatsApp group, it's been our only platform for a decade (Even now it's an important platform).
I remember when I started the first WhatsApp group 8 years ago in 2016 and named it Tamilboomi Tech Club! My friend Parithi designed the group dp for the same,(Still, the same dp continues 😄)

Now, We have a WhatsApp community over various technology and we have 3000+ People across the world.
We Always moderate those groups and make sure there is no Spam or false information spread. But now the same thing is mostly done by our community members themselves :)
One year later we created a group for sharing fun-related stuff, To our surprise that group is more active than the tech club 😃
Initially, we had many friendly fights in this group now it's going very well.

The first promise of any Tamilboomi group is it will be Spam-free and also not over-post the same thing again and again.
We know we are busy with our daily lives, and we don't want to be overburdened with spam and unwanted messages. We try to limit the messages to one or two per day,
What is next?
With our experience managing these groups over time, We understand a few things,
- Community helps people and connects and networks them with the right people,
- An open community is useful where people can post and ask questions or share their experiences.
- A good community moderates itself. (Community people themselves Regulate / Reply to the bad actor or spam)
- People are interested in and open and spam-free community.
- Community helps people to stay on track with whatever they are doing and sometimes inspires them.
We wanted to make a more open and safe environment where we can communicate with our community.
We wanted to have a proper way to make this engaging and useful for everyone, More importantly, we want to avoid spam and messaging.
We are creating two communities,
one is Tamilboomi Tech community.

Another one is Tamilboomi General community.

Both will have various groups and various interests. you can join them and explore the groups.
Below are the new groups where you can discuss the topic related to the same and connect with people and meet new people with the same interests.
Based on the above we decided we will be having below Plans for our communities,
We will create a Group for Each Topic.
People can join the group based on approval from the admin.
Once joined the group is open for discussion and posts from the group members.
Promotions related to that topic are allowed, But before posting it has to be approved by the admin of that group. (This is applicable for specific groups).
If promotions and spam are posted without approval from the admin, It will be removed.
If any Community members who are active and who are interested in moderating a group can reach out to the team and become admin to that group.
Community members who are interested in new topics can reach out to us to create a new group for that interest and he/she can be a moderator on the same along with Tamilboomi.
Currently, We have below groups:
Job posting:
If you are an entrepreneur or seeking a job, you can join the group and post and find buddy entrepreneurs post the requirements you have on your company, or search for the job.

Tamilboomi Weekly Meet:
This was the most active group last year, We are hosting online meetups every Saturday Evening to discuss new topics, Every week new topics and discussions.

Tamilboomi Womens club:
This group is specifically for women only, We want to encourage women's participation in our community we created this group. Kindly confirm your name if you are requesting to join this group, approval will be made after confirming your name.

Tamilboomi Tech Club:
You can discuss any tech topic here

Aws & Devops Club:
This group is for discussion son Aws & Devops Related stuffs.

Fun and fun only :
This group is for fun-related stuff memes and light-hearted entertainment :)

Tamilboomi Students Gang:
This group is for Students and Freshers to connect.

Tamilboomi Community:
If you just want to receive updates from Tamilboomi you can simply join the community to get the updates from Tamilboomi sessions and details.